House Church
What is the House Church (mokjang)?
House Church logo

The purpose of the House Church is to recover vitality of the first century church’s faith community.
• The House Church overcomes the limitations of a passive religious church life that only focuses on worship formation and Bible study based discipleship. The House Church is geared towards witnessing to unbelievers and in so doing, fulfilling the church’s original purpose of “saving the lost and making disciples of Jesus Christ”.
• The House Church accomplishes this by helping unbelievers to accept Jesus as their LORD and Savior and by inviting unbelievers to be true disciples through servant hood.
• The definition: The community that fulfills all the intrinsic purposes of church (worship, education, fellowship, service, evangelism, missions) that is shepherded by a lay leader and made up of 6-12 people meeting in their homes at least once a week.
• We allow another understanding and definition in regards to house church: A local church that is made up of basic house church communities that fulfill all the intrinsic purposes of church (worship, education, fellowship, service, evangelism, missions) that are shepherded by a lay leader and made up of 6-12 people meeting in their homes at least once a week in order to restore the original form of the New Testament church.
• The House Church model divides the tasks of the local church in accordance with biblical principals (Ephesians 4:11~12) The model ordains a head pastor as an overseer of the whole faith community. The head pastor focuses on preaching, praying and training laymen to carry out the tasks or witnessing, visitation, and counseling. The laymen carry out these House Church tasks along with other church ministry activities in the church. The goal is to build an effective faith community.
• The layman gains understanding and becomes a partner with the head pastor by experiencing the pastor’s tasks through the successes and the adversities of serving the House Church members.
• By sharing honest prayer requests and by experiencing the grace of answered prayers, the House Church members experience the living God and live transformed lives. The House Church calls for and provides an environment to nurture members as they learn to practice scripturally based living and in so doing members become true Disciples of Christ.
Young Adult House Church

South Africa

Youth House Church